Whenever I go to visit they always say, "Eat, Miss Amy. Eat." And not just once, but multiple times. They set the bowl down and say, "Eat, Miss Amy. Eat." I stop to take a breath, they say, "Eat, Miss Amy. Eat." I grab another tortilla and they whisper into the toddler's ear to tell me, "Eat, Miss Amy. Eat." What do they think I am doing? :P Luckily I have learned how to politely say I've had enough in Ke'kchi. "Ink'a, xinujak, tojok're." (No, I am full, thank you.) Another fun conversation about food was with the Alcalde. He told me Toledo was a great place to live because here we don't have to buy food, we can simply go find it. There are many animals and edible plants, all delicious. My favorites include: kahun cabbage, jippy jappa (this is also used to make the baskets), custard apples, map, matz (green corn porridge), and of course I always love pulling a coconut to drink the fresh coconut water. Yum! I still haven't tried iguana, but I do enjoy my gibnut.
Alejandro has yet to take me hunting, but here's a picture of my neighbor's pet gibnut they caught quite awhile ago now. I was told they are waiting for it to get big enough to eat, but I want to say they've gotten a little attached and might keep it. How could you not? It's adorable.
Oh, and speaking of Alejandro, he's quite the cook. I showed him how to make spaghetti once and the next time he wanted to do it himself. The other night I tried making a second batch of popcorn and started a fire inside my pot (how does that happen). Luckily Alejandro saved the day and took over stating, "If you ever want popcorn again, just let me know. I'll make it for you." Hillaria's convinced he should be my "wife" especially since he even irons my dresses. Ha ha! I have great people taking good care of me, that's for sure.
Popcorn on fire ? :):) You ment iguana like the lizard?
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