Sunday, February 7, 2010

40 Day Fast

When I told Larka I was going to fast for 40 days she was concerned for my health and well-being and told me to "be safe." I quickly informed her it was not a food fast but instead an asking fast. A theme before Christmas seemed to be, "Praise God for who He is and what He has done without asking for anything in return." And it must have been while reading a part LAMB by Christopher Moore where it mentioned Jesus fasting in the desert that I thought I should go for 40 days without asking God for anything. Counter thoughts included, "What about the idea that God likes being asked...ask and you will receive...etc. I overruled these with reminding myself 40 days is not that long, I'm sure I've done more harmful things to this relationship, and there's probably something I need to learn. Before the fast was over I realized the importance of the length. At about day 28 I realized what was missing in my life. This fast was different than anything I've ever "given up," usually by the end you realize you don't need whatever it was. But I felt that by strictly only praising God (I caught myself about to ask many times) the relationship was limited. Yes, I realized I tend to ask for the silliest of things, so hopefully I'll continue to leave those out, but I guess I see prayer as a conversation and sometimes it's the talking through things that helps me feel better about all situations. I think being away from close friends back home intensified my need of having a friend in Jesus. Oh how church-like that sounds I know, but the truth is simple. Every relationship should include some kind of praise and encouragement, but if that's all it is the giver is left feeling empty. The act of asking is important, showing dependence, and I always seem to be learning lessons in this area. I want to mention, too, that I believe God could listen to us praise Him all day everyday, that is what we were created for, but this broken being is needy person and is happy for freedom in Christ.
Side note: The topic of the church service after my fast was over was "Crying to God." How fitting!
Loves and Hugs!

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