Saturday, October 3, 2009


So yeah, there's a picture of me and my host brother and sister on our porch. One of me and Shirley. A couple from the zoo. One from the parade. And my host dad peeling an orange the Belizean way.


  1. So good to see pics of you Amy! You look so good!

  2. Hi! This is Anne and Ashley. We are peace corps volunteers in Quetzaltenango Guatemala! We are planning a christmas trip to Belize and knew that the best way to find out where the hot spots are is to ask peace corps people! So we looked up belize on the peace corps journal thing. We were wondering if you have any suggestions?? we want to go to an amazing beach and just have a great time. a hammock is a must! haha Thank you. If you ever want to come visit Guatemala let me know. my email is, Anne

  3. That is NOT a SNAKE!! AGGHHH!! We love you!
