Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

"Of all the places you can be, the best place to be is where you are."

I knew I shouldn't have started my countdown. Ha ha! Pretty much everyone in my community knows I'm leaving the country soon and they always ask "When again are you leaving?" Now I can respond with the number of days which usually brings a laugh. I then tell them to stop trying to get rid of me, thinking a month and a half can be a long time. Yes, but it's also a short time, too. The other night I freaked out a little, feeling sad I was about to leave North Loup. I grew up in this town, went away for away for a few years, and honestly wasn't sure about living there again for eight months when I first got my assignment, but soon fell in love again with everything about small towns. And as I was about to curl up on my floor and cry I couldn't keep from laughing. I am every emotion! I'm sad to leave, but happy to go.
It's been so great reconnecting with my friends here and meeting new ones I'll see in Belize already. I've been able to email back in forth with a current volunteer since April and have recently connected with a few other current volunteers and soon to be volunteers going in August with me. One of my biggest fears was going alone, but I don't feel that way anymore which is so great. Now the only uneasiness is coming from not knowing for sure what my assignment will be. Part of me feels unqualified to be a teacher trainer without much classroom experience, but I know this is just a confidence issue and keep telling myself training will bring out the best in me.
I've had a few crazy dreams. The first one was back in March before receiving my assignment. This was when I thought I was going to an island in the Pacific and all I remember was it was REALLY scary, so I'm glad Belize borders Mexico and Guatemala. Then just recently I had a dream about being in Belize. I dreamt I was being led through a bar by a current volunteer. He knew everyone and was taking me to a table to introduce me to all his friends. We walked by a table and two of my friends in Lincoln were sitting there. They waved me over to their table, but I just kept walking, didn't even stop. Now I see it as a warning, not to forget those here who have been so supportive in my life. Sometimes I feel like I'm spending a lot of time preparing for this move instead of fully being here. Where do I draw the line? I only have a month and a half left and I still have a month and a half left. Also, back to my dream, when everyone around the table was telling me their names I kept thinking to myself, I'll never remember all these names, which is the worst thing you can think when meeting new people, because then that's exactly what happens. Then, like most dreams, the scene changed and I was in a conference room with 50+ other volunteers, current and trainees. I went walking around with another volunteer, I'll call him Marty. (I remember the name of the guy in my dream, but in case I actually meet a volunteer with the same name I'll save him the embarrassment. I mean I'll have to keep from laughing myself if it happens.) So Marty and I go walking off, not knowing this is like church camp and purple is a forbidden color. When a training staff member found us, he told us we were going to have to apologize to the whole group. I told Marty I would do it since it was my fault. Why I felt brave enough to even say a word in front of all these people I didn't know? I'm not sure, but I did want to take the responsibility. We went back into the room full of people and I told everyone we were sorry for kissing. I was happy and lonely, which must not be a good combination. Ha ha!! And the best part, once I told them, they all started clapping!! I have the strangest dreams now, what will they be like when I'm in Belize?
While giving tours at the chalk mines, some people ask what I'll be doing in the fall. When I tell them my future plans they are all so sweet and usually the last thing they say as walking out the office door after the tour is, "Good luck in Belize!" I love people! These are strangers, spending 20 minutes of their life with me on a tour and they are wishing me the best in life. Reminds me that it's the little things in life that make the biggest difference. Along with that, one of my Sunday school teachers said the sweetest thing about me going to Belize. She was asking about the country's standard of living, then turned to those at her table and said something about me spreading God's love to the world.
I officially have my dental clearance!
I had my teleconference call on Tuesday. It was neat talking to those on the other line, knowing they were in Belize. I learned about the four sections of the education program: language arts, administration, preschool, and special education. Administration would be neat since that might be the direction I go when I come back. Preschool would be fun, I love little kids! And I have experience with special education from working in the resource room last spring. I'm not sure how much of my placement will be up to me, but it's a good thing to think about.

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