Wednesday, June 24, 2009

55 days!

I finally gave in and counted the days left until staging, and now I can't keep from smiling. 55 is such a great number (it's my favorite number twice!)! Funny how I felt the urge to count the days and it ended up being this, of course this won't help my concentration any. I'm having a hard time focusing. I'm more scatterbrained than usual.


  1. I have a countdown thing on my blog... I love seeing it go down!!! Yay, only 54 more days!

  2. now you have 52 dont feel overwhelmed take it one day at a time

  3. Hello Amy! My name is Emily and I will also be joining you as a new PCV at the same time. Likewise, I'm very excited, nervous and many other emotions, often at the same time. Its going to be wonderful. I'm excited to find your blog and would love to keep in touch from time to time. I'll try to follow your blog but I'm new to blogspot so we'll see if I can figure it out. My blog is I think :) Hang in there! Big adventures ahead!

  4. Emily! Hi!
    I wasn't able to view your blog, you'll have to recheck your web address. Can you believe we don't even have 2 months left? It would be great to be able to talk before meeting in August! Hope you figure out blogspot! :D

  5. Hi Amy -- Ok, here is the link, I think...

    Hope it works. I'd love to chat with you more. My email is if you want to write.

    Yes, time is flying. I'm stoked.
