Thursday, August 6, 2009

I like to ramble

It seems like so much has been happening, I don't even know where to start. Well, so much has happened, but really not a lot. I just can't believe I'm leaving in two weeks! It's crazy to even say. My last day as a tour guide at the Chalk Mines was last Sunday. I thought I would finally start doing what needed to be done instead of only thinking about it, but I should have known myself better. All I want to do now is go see people and have fun! Packing? What's that?
I'm really looking forward to my send-off party in North Loup. I wish there was a way I could get some Peace Corps information to put up for the people in the community to look at, so they have a better idea what I'll be doing. I guess I could at least hang up a sign with the mission statement. I plan on, too, decorating the hall tropical. I'm kinda nervous for all these people to be coming, feeling like I'm supposed to make sure they're having a good time. I'm much better with meeting people one-on-one, but I've realized lately those good-byes are the hardest. I know I'll want to go talk to everyone, still trying to figure out how that's going to work. I've thought about locking the doors once everyone is there and not letting anyone sneak away. I'm excited for all the envelopes people hopefully bring. It's surprising how many people ask what else they can bring. I've been saying batteries and SD cards for my camera, because I know I'll be wanting to use it. I love taking pictures and I have a feeling that's not going to change.
I've been dog sitting for the past couple weeks and for awhile was wondering why I was a little sad. I love Murphy and it's been nice having my own place, but I figured out yesterday I was homesick. Luckily, I go back today, I mean it's only 5 miles away, but I miss home, I guess. And after I named my problem, I got over it pretty fast. I only wish I would have figured that out before meeting with friends yesterday. I wasn't my normal excited self, but it's all good.
I think my mom is getting to the sad stage, too, but she's the best because she doesn't cry around me. She doesn't want me to be sad to leave because my whole life, all she's ever wanted is for me to be happy, and she knows if she cries, I'll cry. I have the best mom! So great, it was not even a question to name her my Power of Attorney. I debated whether or not is was necessary, but was convinced after hearing I might want to keep her as my decision maker even once I get back in case I decide to leave the country again, knowing she would never abuse the power. Yep! Spot on for both!
I paid off my student loan this morning. Yippee! Now I'm debt free! It feels so great.
I'm not sure what will become of Skittles, my car, but I'm not too worried about it. I'm still trying to figure out when I became so carefree, or at least more than I was. I just know things will work out for the best, and that whatever happens I can live with it. My life is in good hands, God's hands.
I hope to get all the rest of what I need in Grand Island today, including a swim suit. Oh! And some scrubs. I was going to take pajama pants anyway, but after watching the DVD Belize Volunteers made and sent and after talking to one of the guys who was wearing scrubs in the video, I realized that's actually not a bad idea. And I guess I feel the need to tell the world! Maybe I'm just excited to own a pair for a reason, secretly I've always wanted to wear some.

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl, I love seeing you in this, it is so you. I am glad the party was good. I played Pass the Pigs with the twins last week and thought of you. What size batteries? SD cards is genius.Way to go being debt free! That's huge! Yes, scrubs are a must! I wore them as pajama pants and running pants in college. They are so comfy and a little lighter in material.
