Monday, December 7, 2009


When in Belize, it's good to know riddles. Everybody loves them. Here are some I've heard so far.
What has one eye but cannot see?
What has teeth but cannot bite?
What has ears but cannot hear?
What can run but cannot walk?
Why can't shoes talk?
What goes up but does not come down?
What goes up as the rain come down?
What gets wet as it dries?
What do you buy for eating but do not eat?
What kind of key lives in the jungle?
What kind of key kicks hard?
You can see yourself inside but can never be inside. What is it?
What has four legs but cannot walk?
So there you go, I hope some of them stump you for awhile, but if you ever come to Belize you will be prepared and if you have any to share, please do! Loves and Hugs!

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