Monday, May 4, 2009

Today, I feel like a penguin.

"[Penguins] have this radar inside them that told them when and where to go and none of it made any sense, but they show up... and the radar always turns out to be right." -Donald Miller Blue Like Jazz

Sometimes I have a hard time coming up with a specific answer when people ask me why I'm going to live in Belize for two years. I usually respond with "why not?" It's hard to explain something that makes sense without making sense. I feel as if there are reasons for me going I may never understand and knowing that makes me excited to go. There's a "peace that passes understanding down in my heart." I continually laugh at myself for handling all this unknown. I'm usually a person who needs to know exactly what is going on and when it will all happen, or at least I used to be. I remember one time I was walking with a friend and he was looking at the calendar on his phone. He didn't like how he had something scheduled for each day the following week. I told him everyday of my planner was filled for the next few months, and that's how I liked it! After that conversation, I questioned if I really did enjoy having every second of my day planned, admiring Saul's carefree attitude, knowing tight schedules can ruin the beauty of the unexpected. My own agenda keeps me from experiencing a better life. I try taking control, when really there's no need. By joining the Peace Corps, I'm loosening my grip even more.

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